Recover the Core you were meant to have.
Conditions Treated
Sports Injuries
Spine – whiplash, surfer spine, disc herniations, muscle spasm, alignment issues, spondylolithesis, arthritis, stenosis, degenerative disc disease, neck pain, headaches, sacroiliac dysfunction, tailbone pain
Upper body – shoulder impingement, shoulder instability, rotator cuff problems, tennis and golfers elbow, tendonopathies.
Lower body- sciatica, hamstring strains, groin pulls, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, hip flexor strain, ACL tear or strain, meniscus tear, patellafemoral syndrome, ankle sprain
Hip dysfunction – pain, arthritis, labral tears, dysplasia, bursitis
Pelvic Issues
Pre-natal and Post-partum Pelvic Health issues
Incontinence – urinary and fecal leaking
Pain – vulvodynia, pudendal neuralgia, tailbone pain, pelvic pain
Sexual dysfunction – pain during intercourse, difficulty reaching orgasm
Voiding dysfunction – urinary urgency or frequency, recurrent urinary tract infections, urinary hesitancy, pain with urination or defecation
Menstrual dysfunction- amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, infertility
Abdominal muscle weakness – post partum diastasis, hernias
Aesthetic Improvements
Waist line reduction
Postural dysfunction
Visceral Problems
Digestive problems such as heart burn, bloating, constipation, IBS, SIBO.
Abdominal pain of all origins, including post-operative scar tissue.
Cardiovascular Issues
Respiratory - COPD, Asthma, Shortness of Breath
Circulatory - Hypertension, Pelvic Congestion Syndrome, vericose veins, lower extremity swelling
Treatment Options
Hypopressive Training
Hypopressive Training is a revolutionary approach to core health that combines unique breathing and postural techniques to reduce intra-abdominal pressure. Although practiced worldwide, it is just now beginning to receive recognition in North America for its wide range of benefits compared to traditional core and pelvic floor fitness, rehabilitative and maintenance programs. The term “hypopressive” refers to a decrease in pressure, whereas traditional exercise/abdominal/core training, sports and most of our everyday activities are “hyperpressive” – they increase intra- abdominal pressure. The Hypopressive Training methodology uses a seamless progression of postures and poses that cause a reduction in pressure in the abdomen and trigger an automatic response from the core (abdominals, pelvic floor, multifidus, diaphragm) causing an abdominal vacuum. Who can benefit from this technique? Anyone with core dysfunction or injury: pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, abdominal or vertebral hernia, back pain, sexual dysfunction, poor posture and breathing patterns. It is a complete core training program that benefits all ages and lifestyles.
Benefits of Hypopressive Training:
Improved whole body flexibility and mobility
Improved strength, tone and function of abdominal and pelvic floor muscles
Significant reduction in waistline
Lifting of the pelvic organs
Increased respiratory capacity
Reduction in back pain
Improved athletic performance and recovery
Improvement in posture
Sexual enhancement
Improved post-natal recovery
Reduction in urinary incontinence
Improved whole body circulation and reduction in blood pressure
How it Works: A hypopressive training session typically lasts 30-60 minutes, and can be done in-person or virtually. Benefits in posture, breathing and spinal decompression are noticed immediately after the first session. When practiced regularly (3-4 days/wk), benefits will become long-lasting. Clients will be given a personalized hypopressive training program to practice at home, and it is recommended to return for a session with me every 1-4 weeks for progressions. In-person hypopressive classes will be resumed in Kauai in December 2021. Fortunately, virtual training is an option for those people who are unable to come to Hawaii, and an online course is scheduled to launch at the end of the year.
Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
Did you know estimated one-third of all women suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction? This is a group of clinical conditions that includes urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction. Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction include urinary urgency or frequency, frequent nighttime urination, bladder leaking, bowel leaking, constipation, difficulty with voiding, slow urinary stream, recurrent urinary tract or vaginal infections, pain with intercourse and difficulty achieving orgasm. Do any of these sound familiar to you?
Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation can resolve these issues and give you a heightened pelvic awareness and function. After a thorough evaluation is performed, I use a variety of proven manual therapy techniques, dietary and behavioral strategies, as well as breath and postural methods to help you regain optimal pelvic health.
Benefits of Pelvic Rehabilitation:
Bowel regularity
Resolution of leaking
Lifting and centering of pelvic organs
Improvement in strength, tone and function of the pelvic floor muscles
Improved sex life and quality of orgasms
Reduction of vaginal dryness and occurrence of infections
Improvement in ease of voiding
How it Works: A session for pelvic floor rehabilitation lasts 60 minutes. When paired with Maya Abdominal Therapy and Hypopressive Training, clients typically need 1-4 sessions for complete resolution of even a long history of persistent symptoms.
Maya Abdominal Therapy
Maya Abdominal Therapy is an external manual therapy technique that guides internal abdominal organs into their proper position with a focus on aligning the uterus for optimum health and well-being. Maya Abdominal Therapy improves organ function by releasing physical and emotional congestion from the abdomen. This improves the flow of chi and the fluids of the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems to prevent or relieve symptoms imbalance and chronic disease. Dr. Rosita Arvigo developed this technique after studying extensively with her mentor, Don Elijio Panti- a Maya Shaman from Belize, and Hortence Robinson, a Belizian midwife. Maya Abdominal Therapy combines modern science with traditional indigenous healing and wisdom; it is a holistic path to physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Conditions that can be addressed with Maya Abdominal Therapy:
Lower back pain
Constipation, sluggish digestion, bloating
Painful, heavy or irregular menstrual periods
Urinary leakage (incontinence), frequent urinary tract infections, urinary urgency, urinary frequency
Boney pelvic and hip pain including postpartum, post caesarean and post gynecological surgery
Infertility / difficulty conceiving
Pelvic heaviness/fullness, cystocele, rectocele, pelvic organ prolapse
Endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids
How it Works: A session involving Maya Abdominal Therapy lasts 60 minutes. A client will be taught how to perform the massage independently at home. Benefits in digestion, pain and bloating are noticed within the first week. Menstrual issues and fertility concerns typically take 2-4 months to resolve. It is recommended to perform the massage independently 5 days/wk for best results. In addition to a regular home practice, clients often have Maya Abdominal Therapy sessions 1-4x/month.
Functional Dry Needling
Functional Dry Needling is an incredibly effective technique used to resolve pain caused by a variety of neuromuscular dysfunctions. This technique uses a very fine needle to release painful or knotted areas in the muscle, with the goal of permanently reducing muscle pain and dysfunction. Physical Therapists around the world are now using this cutting-edge technique to effectively treat acute and chronic orthopedic and musculoskeletal conditions. Functional Dry Needling treats the neuromuscular system as a whole- affecting resting muscle tension, joint mobility, and symptoms of pain and irritation. During the treatment patients often feel a significant cramping sensation then feel an immediate improvement of their symptoms. Dry Needling has many differences from acupuncture. Acupuncture aims to balance chi, and needle placement is often shallow in the subcutaneous tissue and according to meridians. Dry needling aims to resolve myofascial trigger points, and needle placement is deep into the muscle and according to a thorough musculoskeletal examination and palpation.
Conditions that greatly improve with functional dry needling include, but are not limited to:
Back pain
Chronic musculoskeletal pain
Headaches and migraines
Nerve dysfunction
Overuse injuries
Pelvic floor dysfunction
How it Works: A session involving dry needling will last 60 minutes. The duration of the actual procedure is quite fast, 5-20 seconds per trigger point. But the overall duration of the treatment depends on how many muscles and conditions are being treated. Soft tissue work and other various manual therapy techniques will be performed before, during and after the dry needling procedure in order to comprehensively resolve the musculoskeletal dysfunction leading to the trigger points. Dry needling is so powerful and effective, for an acute myofascial trigger point, only one session is needed. With more chronic and complex issues, typically 2-4 sessions are necessary. Many athletes who take their bodies to the limit often like to get on a maintenance plan and have dry needling performed 1-4x/month.
Prenatal Training and Post Partum Recovery
A strong core is of the upmost importance during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Pregnancy and post partum are miraculous and magical times, and also times when a woman’s body is very vulnerable and can be at a high risk of injury. Being empowered with the knowledge of how your body works from a biomechanical standpoint during pregnancy and post partum is a cornerstone to your well being as a mother. No matter how many children you have had or how difficult your labor and delivery was, you can heal and get back to optimal function!
Benefits of Prenatal Training:
Prevention of diastasis
Preparation for delivery
Preventing or eliminating back pain
Preventing or eliminating bladder issues such as incontinence, urgency and frequency
Improve posture and breathing patterns to improve efficiency of uterine contractions during delivery
Strengthen core so your body can most efficiently carry baby
Improve cardiovascular capacity throughout pregnancy
Benefits of Post Partum Rehab:
Healing of diastasis
Core strengthening
Waistline reduction
Lifting and centering of pelvic organs
Pelvic Floor Rehab
Postural and Breath training to tighten the pelvic and abdominal fascia after delivery
C-section specific recovery
Resolution of spine pain associated with nursing posture and carrying baby
Specific individualized direction on returning to exercise, sport and activities like running
How it Works: Sessions can be done either in -person or virtually. After discussing specific concerns and your history, I will educate you on applicable dietary, behavioral and/or lifestyle strategies to help with reach your highest health and wellbeing during pregnancy and/or post partum. I will also educate you on your anatomy and physiology as it relates to core health during pregnancy and post partum. Then I will instruct you in specific rehab exercises, and core strengthening techniques that can resolve back pain and sciatica, decompress your spine, lift your pelvic organs, prevent or resolve a diastasis, reduce waist circumference post partum, improve gut health and hormonal balance, improve your posture and breathing, and optimize your core function long term. Sessions last 60 min and patients are typically seen 1-4x/ month throughout pregnancy. During the postpartum period, rehab can begin as soon as the mother is ready. Post partum sessions are 60 min and patients are typically seen weekly for the first 1-2 months, then frequency decreases to 1-2x/ month as she becomes more independent in her exercises.